SCAA Members: To expedite registration, please login to the member center at top left. Please refresh your screen before logging in. Your username is your email address, and you can set/reset your password if needed. If you experience difficulty, please call 877-359-7222 for assistance. When registering several people from your team, register yourself first then when prompted add your next team member.

2021 SCAA Annual Conference
February 24 – 26, 2021
Sonesta Resort Hilton Head Island
130 Shipyard Drive • Hilton Head Island, SC 29928
Room Reservations:
SCAA has negotiated a discounted room rate of $129 per night plus fees and taxes. To secure this rate, please make your reservation with Sonesta Resort Hilton Head by January 25, 2021.
Make your reservations online using SCAA's dedicated Conference Room Reservation page, or call 843-842-2400 and request the SC Aviation Association discounted room rate of $129 with group code 0223FLYING.
Please note, canceling your Annual Conference Registration will not cancel your hotel reservation. Please contact the hotel directly to avoid unwanted charges if you must cancel your room reservation.
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Thank you to the 2021 Annual Conference Sponsors!

Thank you to the 2021 Annual Conference Exhibitors!